252 - What You Do With What You've Got

We already had Eddi Reader’s album “Mirmama” some days ago, and today’s Song of the Day is one of the finest on that album: “What You Do With What You’ve Got”. Are that wonderful lyrics or what?

I took this photo yesterday evening. Days are long now and this is from 9:20pm. I had already had some wine, didn’t want to drive elsewhere and was still in need of an Image of the Day. I took my tripod, two Lee ND gradient filters (I got a set of them yesterday), went into the garden and shot this image with the Sigma 10-20 at 10mm and f11. Exposure was for seven seconds, that’s what makes the blur on the tree to the left. Afterwards, in Photoshop, I have cloned out some distractions and warmed the image up a little.

Using filters is tedious, but I’ll try that more often now. Let’s wait and see what I do with what I’ve got now 🙂

There are 6 comments

Andreas Resch   (2007-06-23)

Wahnsinn ... ich bin nur durch Zufall hierher gekommen, weil Craig Tanner von Radiant Vista uns anscheinend verwechselt hat. Bin ich froh, dass sowas passiert ist.
Deine Bilder sind der Hammer und ich habe bis jetzt von noch keinem Österreicher besseres gesehen. Bin schwer beeindruckt und habe die Seite gleich zu meinen Lesezeichen hinzugefügt.

Tolle Arbeit - weiter so ...

Liebe Grüße ... Andreas Resch.

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pnfphotography   (2007-06-23)

Very beautiful and I think the ND filer worked very nicely. It sure softens the light. I read on this a bit and I guess it gives you alot of room to adjust your settings how ever you wish... yes?

How do you highlight the words in your blog and have them link? I am having lots of trouble with this...all I have been able to do is highlight the name of the blog and attach a url to it. I must be the dumbest person here as I can not figure it out. I am a mac user... sorta says it all.

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Chad Oneil   (2007-06-24)

Found your blog through Anna. I love your work, man! I'll be back.

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Faye Pekas   (2007-06-24)

Hi, I followed you from a link at Anna's place.

I love this. The composition is wonderful with the house on the hill and the trees in the foreground. I really like the sky too.

There is a bit of a mystical feel. Very well done.

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andreas   (2007-06-24)

Socializing helps spread the message? Who would have thought it 🙂

Welcome to my blog!

@Andreas: Danke. Craig war etwas konfus gestern. Macht nichts, ich war letzte Weihnachten auch schon mal "Andreas from Sweden" 🙂

@Faye: Goodness! How many blogs can one person have 🙂 Welcome!

@Chad: I see you often on Ted Byrne's blog, but I didn't follow the link until recently when I found that you have stopped blogging, hopefully only for now.

@pnfphotography: (you really don't want to disclose your name, do you?)

Don't worry, many people on the Internet have a profound education in computer science, I for instance have a degree from university and make my living writing computer programs, mostly revolving around web technology. It would be embarrassing if I didn't know, for you it's absolutely OK. In order to show you how to create links, I have set up a little comic here. Download the image and keep it open while reading on.

Let's begin with the upper left image. I suppose that when you create a posting, you are normally in "Compose" mode. The other mode would be "Edit HTML", and you switch between the two by clicking one of the two tabs above the edit frame.

Creating a link begins with selecting the part of the Text that you want the user to see. In my case it was the word "Trigonale". Then you click the icon that I've marked, the one that is probably meant to symbolize planet Earth with two links of a chain overlaid (don't laugh, that's really what this icon means. It's the World Wide Web after all). Clicking the icon with a selected word active opens a dialog window that's shown in the next image.

In this dialog, where it says URL, you enter the address of the target page, the page that you link to, the page that should be in the browser after the user has clicked your link. URL is tech-speak. It means "Uniform Resource Locator" and is just a fancy name for a web address. I do this normally by having the target page open in another window. When I click into that window's address line, I can highlight the address and copy it into the dialog. For long addresses this is more convenient and less error prone than typing. When you have entered the address you click "OK". As a result you already have a link, but we want to refine that now. In Order to do that, we need to be in "Edit HTML" mode. See the third image for how the two tabs above the edit frame have to look like.

In the fourth image I have marked how the link looks like in HTML, the mother-tongue of the web. This "<a>" thingie is called an "anchor tag", because it anchors the link in your page. Tags can have attributes, some of them are mandatory. The anchor tag has one mandatory attribute "href" that contains the target web address. You see it in the image.

We want to add another attribute. You see it in the last image. Its name is "target" and its value is "_blank". This tells the other user's browser to not replace your page with the target page, but to instead open it in a new, blank page. I do it always that way. Not all users like it when links open in new windows, but from the author's point of view it's a good thing. You don't lose the user to the target page, your original page is still there.

Does that make sense?


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pnfphotography   (2007-06-24)

HUGE thankyou left on my page for you.... I found that the safari browser had two options for me to compose with where I found a mother load in Firefox. I kept wondering whyyyyy can I not do these things. I guess I will be swappin over to Firefox for now. Thankyou sooo much your the best!!!

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