543 - Jokerman

On a construction site in Kaiserstraße, very near to where I live, I found this charcoal drawing on the wall of a building being demolished. A Jokerman, once drawn by a hopeful young revolutionary, and this reminds me of Ted Byrne’s current blog entry, “Quarry”, where he muses about salavging “something that soon won’t be anyplace but in an image”. John Henry Mills or the Jokerman, one will wither with time, one will be torn down with force. There are stories behind both, and though the stories will be lost, these images remain, and they will begin to tell their own stories.

"Jokerman" is the opener (and I think it was the hit) on Bob Dylan’s 1983 Return-From-Jesus album “Infidels”. See it on YouTube.

There are 2 comments

Peter   (2008-04-10)

..and one of my favorite Bob Dylan songs. In fact I'ma dial it up now.

Thanks for sharing your tips!

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andreas   (2008-04-11)

Well, sharing my music was a gimmick at first, something that mainly was meant to attract visitors via search engines (and it does), but after more than a year of Songs of the Day now, I have really found it to open up my own collection to me. Searching for songs by keywords, associating songs with images, checking out the lyrics, that is time consuming, but gratifying as well. Glad you like it.

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