3514 - Sidelight

The Freedom Party scrupulously planted unfunded rumors, and despite all the smut everything went correctly. That’s how I’ve explained, that’s what I believe and that’s what I can back with some experience and insight.

A lot of my compatriots don’t do so. I can’t tell you any percentages, but you feel it in the commenting sections of the newspapers. 10% of the electorate may be convinced of having been cheated, but the percentage may be much higher. It may even go up to 30%.

It is a matter of trust. It’s how people present the bill for decades of democratic abuse. And why not? In the wake of Snowdon’s revelations, is there any crime against the democratic spirit that you can rule out with confidence? For any government?

And while I think about all that, I also think about the primaries for the presidential elections in the US. Major irregularities in Nevada. The DNC calling it quits before California has even be asked. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Hillary Clinton trying all the dirty tricks to cheat Bernie Sanders, the only one who will without a doubt stop Donald Trump.

At least that’s what I read on the Internet. What do I know? Do I know at least as much as Hofer’s frustrated fans know about our own election? I doubt it.

We all live in a filter bubble. When I say “The Internet”, I should instead say “The part of the Internet that I have chosen to recognize”.

Any first-hand information from the US? Is Bernie cheated? Is it just the same rumor mongering that our Freedom Party practices?