4245 - Inside Saint Laurence Church II

If you’ve been living under a rock lately, just raise your eyes, I’m pretty certain the underside of the rock has started displaying a GDPR consent form a few days ago 🙂

Just in time Wordpress came with an update, I’ve installed a plugin, removed another one, tried to try a few and … noticed weird things.

My Wordpress does not behave as it should.

I have no idea why. Mostly it works, but layout changes and changes in the widgets do not. I see buttons, I press them, nothing happens.

Authoring and reading are not affected. I suppose I have upgraded automatically a few times to often. This is normal. You have a system, you customize it, you upgrade, and if the system is good (Wordpress is), it takes your customizations over into the new version.

Until it doesn’t. Sometimes things change semantics. Sometimes things get incompatibe in interesting ways. It must be something like that.