64 - Quiet Morning of a Busy Day

Seems like I managed to catch up 🙂

I had a busy day with only a few moments to shoot in the early morning. I originally had intended to go up Dobratsch again for a sunrise, this time from the parking area all the way to the summit. I failed miserably. When I woke up in the morning I glanced out of the window, saw that we were just out of the fog, dressed quickly, took the camera, ran out and around the house and shot some pictures. This is one of them, the JPEG right as it came out of the camera.

The white-capped mountain in the background is “Mittagskogel”, immediately to the south of Villach, at the border to Slovenia.

The rest of the day was rather busy. You may remember the not-so-frozen meat. Well, we were in Klagenfurt to buy the refill for the freezer (for about the amount that it takes to get a Sigma 30/1.4!), then at home repackaged the meat to smaller portions, and finally stowed it away. Still, it feels good now after it’s done.