119 - Spiaggia solitaria

It’s Friday and I have an image. That’s good 🙂

What I didn’t have was a title. This happens at times. Then I sit and ponder, ponder and wait, wait and nothing happens. No title comes to my mind. In such cases I look for music. Music that for me represents at least some of the qualities of the image in question. So I did this time and I came up with Alice’s incredible album “Gioielli Rubati”, an album of songs by the great Italian singer/songwriter Franco Battiato.

Doesn’t she look gorgeous on the cover? And her voice! If you hear nothing else, hear at least “Prospettiva Nevski” and I guarantee you, you’re hooked. Amazon.com has one in stock, so hurry 🙂

There is a song on this album, “Summer on a solitary beach”, that somehow had the quality I was looking for, so this is called “spiaggia solitaria”, which means “solitary beach”.

Oh yes, just one more thing: this is a Lensbaby shot (f2.0 as always) of a mouse pad seen through a plastic bottle of Vöslauer mineral water 😉

No Story of the Day. Sorry.

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