295 - The Long Way

Hmm .. what did we have for yesterday? Uhh yes, Tom Waits, and today it’s … Tom Waits again? Sorry, I can’t help it 🙂

The Song of the Day is “Long Way Home” from the tree-disc masterpiece “Orphans - Brawlers, Bawlers and Bastards”. Really: if you only buy one Tom Waits CD, make sure it’s “Orphans”. It’s so incredibly good. And then go and hear it, and when you can’t stand it having none other, then go out and buy “Raindogs”, see Jim Jarmusch’s “Down by Law”, and when you’re not hooked by then, I don’t know what.

And this image? Taken today on my way to Keutschacher See. Nikon 18-200, 200mm at f13, shot from the tripod. It may not look like it, but I did a fair amount of post-processing, first in Capture NX, and then in Photoshop using Lab and a “Man from Mars” for color variety in the grass.

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