339 - Lights in my Backyard

This is one of those day, you know? It was beautiful outside, about just before I left work. I still made some shots on my way home, this one being the last of them, glass in the door to the backyard of the house where I live. I took two exposures with different color temperatures, one on “Shade” that looked about like what I saw, the other on “Auto” that got way too blue. Hmmm … interesting.

In post-processing I took one of the two images and made three different versions, one rather yellow, one in shades of pastels and the last greenish blue. Then I combined them with masks and put a ton of adjustment layers on top. The result does not look exactly like what I saw, but it is frighteningly near to what I imagined 🙂

"Glass Window" from the Mediæval Bæbes’ fourth album “The Rose” (the only one that I have yet, I’ve bought it for the cover, in a shop where I couldn’t hear it) is the Song of the Day.

There are 3 comments

Ted Byrne   (2007-09-19)

There will come a time when technology will allow us to purchase flat strips that will glow like this. And which we shall be able to place anywhere. And they will seemingly become portals of light as if the shimmering were windows atop our tables, on our walls, on furniture, in dark hallways. And they will gather their power from the air, just as we gather some of ours from Wi-Fi waves that bathe us. And we won't even wonder at their existence, or how they work, or the fact that we have the ability to walk about, casually placing anywhere - the sun itself.

Until then, Van Gough lovers will love the way you've found his mad-man swirls in a door's window.

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Flo   (2007-09-19)

Ted said it all! This technology does exist now - for the very rich, that is. LCD panels to light the walls. Just think that sometime in the future we can live underground, like gophers and moles, but take the sunshine with us!

In the meantime, we can use the light of our computer monitors to see such light wonders as Andreas' image here 🙂


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andreas   (2007-09-19)

Two things here.

One: have you ever noticed how miserably science fiction fails to predict the non-obvious future? It's Clarke's comment about advanced technology and magic that comes to mind. A camera wouldn't have made sense to anybody from the 16th century at all!

Two: when I saw my first Van Gogh, I could not believe how colorful it was. All I had seen before were photographs printed in books. Expensive books, some of them, but printed and books. Speak of color management 🙂


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