400 - Oh, How The Ghost Sings

Another round number, but one gets used to it 🙂

Today I had a lot of work to do and no time to take images. Only in the evening I could go out and the idea was, to take some images of the local church. HDR and very wide angle, preferably.

It was rubbish. But, interestingly enough, when I fooled around with hand-held images made in non-hand-holdable situations, I found this one: Sigma 10-20 at 17mm, f8, ISO 100 and 7.1s. Yes, seconds.

The Song of the Day is “Oh, How The Ghost Sings” from Lester Bowie’s classic album “The Great Pretender”. I’ll never forget the evening when I first heard the title song in one of Vienna’s leading Jazz cafés, “Miles Smiles”.