As I said this morning, not much has changed. We still have snowfall, it still does not amount to much, but at least the cold has put an end to the slush on the streets. It’s hard to choose an Image of the Day today. Initially I was sure I would go with this one of a young man crossing the street, obviously feeling uncomfortable in this weather. From a compositional point of view one could argue that I have cropped a little too tight from the right side, but I actually like that for two reasons: First, being close against the frame makes him look even more uncomfortable, and second, his position strongly emphasizes the implied movement along his line of sight, a line that roughly meets with the tracks on the left edge of the frame.
The other candidate, a snowed-in pavilion in a park is interesting for mainly what it contains. I’m afraid you can’t really see it even at the size that you get when you click the thumbnail, but there are blankets on the benches inside the pavilion. It looks like homeless people have slept there, and that must be one of the more miserable places to sleep, especially when the snow comes horizontally at you.
I finally settled with an evening image, the bicycles. I was not even sure if I should process it. After all, I had the guy crossing the street, but then I did, and when I let the reins loose, I was pretty satisfied with what I got. Looks somewhat mysterious to me.
The Song of the Day is “Cold” from Annie Lennox’ 1992 solo debut “Diva”. See the video on YouTube. Now tell me that this does not begin with a reference to Vivaldi’s winter 🙂