The mornings tend to be very foggy now, just as in this first image, taken Saturday morning. It’s the playground as seen from my balcony in Villach.
It takes until around 10am, then the sun breaks through, at least on those days when it does 🙂
Saturday it did, and it ended up to be a beautiful day. Short but beautiful. We used it for a trip up the valley of river Gail, and from there, across a mountain range, to Oberdrauburg, and along river Drau back to Villach. The Image of the Day was taken pretty high above the valley, near Greifenburg.
This is a time of short days of precious light. What time could be better suited for “Daylight And The Sun” by Antony and the Johnsons? It’s from their last album “The Crying Light”. If pathos is not completely lost to you, hear it on YouTube 🙂