1415 - Butterfly

OK, this is the last post for tonight, promised ๐Ÿ™‚

This is an image taken today, again with the 50/1.2. The butterfly was friendly anough to give me time to focus.

Btw, speaking of butterflies, donโ€™t you feel that this is a funny name for an insect? But what is more funny, is that the names for butterflies in different languages are completely unrelated. Normally you see the same stem used in the romanic languages, sometimes English agrees with German, sometimes with French, but here it is all totally different: butterfly, mariposa, farfalla, papillon, Schmetterling. Itโ€™s rare that you see something like that. It is almost as if butterflies had suddenly appeared maybe a thousand years ago, when the peoples in Europe had already settled ๐Ÿ™‚

The Song of the Day is โ€œButterflyโ€ from Jason Mrazโ€™s 2008 album โ€œWe Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things.โ€. Great album, great singer, and YouTube has the song.

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