1437 - Hope

Sometimes it’s hard for me to find a title for an image. This is such a case. This is not conceptual work. I just left the tramway and through the blinding light I saw people and shadows. No time to compose, no time to think, I just made a series of images. This was the first, and when I processed it, I was struck by the power of the sun and the red traffic light, standing like an idol straight in the middle of the frame.

What exactly is going on here? The red light seems to be in some kind of control, but the people don’t look scared, rather calm, not intimidated, rather confident. They also seem to look through the menace of the light, seem to look at the sun behind it, this original light, that it is so much stronger than everything built by men.

I finally settled with “Hope” from the 2000 Apocalyptica album “Cult”, and in a way all of these words somehow fit the image 🙂

The album is not available for digital download, it’s not even in circulation in the US, but you can get it via the Amazon Marketplace. It is well worth the money. Hear the hymn on YouTube.

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