1868 - Dancing In The Light

Using a long lens you always have the problem that people run into your view. There is just so much distance, that the probability of someone walking into your line of sight is very high. Of course you can always embrace it. In this case I was lucky, depth of field was just deep enough that the rider was sharp and could go for the subject. Re-focusing, even with a fast camera, would have made me miss the moment.

Had I made the image with my D300 and, say, the Nikon 70-300 VR, the rider would have been clearly out of focus, the image would have been lost. These are the situations where small-sensor cameras really shine, at least as long as their image quality suffices. Here it clearly does.

The Song of the Day is “Dancing In The Light” from the bonus disc of the 2010 re-issue of “Exile On Main Street”. Enjoy it on YouTube 😄

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