2089 - Try Some, Buy Some II

I went swimming, and on the road I saw a shed with advertising posters that I’ve already wanted to photograph a few times but didn’t. You know how it is when you drive by car: you see something but you can’t pull off the road. Or sometimes you can, and when you stand there, you realize that the only perspective that you’d be interested in, the perfect image, is the one as seen from the middle of the road.

Here it was similar. The shed is behind a pond, behind a side road, and from the middle of the main road it looked like a pretty perfect image. Only that you can’t go out there and take a photo. At least if you prefer to bring it home. I took the easy way out and settled with a detail 😄

The Song of the Day is the Harrisong “Try Some, Buy Some” from David Bowie’s 2003 album “Reality”. Hear it on YouTube.