2170 - Threesome

Damned if I know which one! But then, by the rules of this blog, one must be it, huh?

All three images were taken on Wednesday, and together they are a strange assortment. Take this bicycle for example. What fascinated me and made me take the image, was the fact that it leaned against a wall with glass panels attached to it, and the fact that there were all sorts of reflections. The glass panels were narrow though, and that together with the angle created an interesting effect of intermittent reflections.

The other image was taken from street level steeply upward to roof level. I had to apply a lot of perspective correction, but I knew that in advance and thus had included enough sky.

Why the image at all? Well, it’s this strange concept of a very artificial roof garden that caught my eye 🙂

The Image of the Day is just a classic Manessinger: tilted, lines running into corners, with the sun in the frame. That’s the reason why I originally decided against it. In a way it’s just more of the same, but then, I really, really love the reflections on the tracks, and besides, don’t know how you feel about it, at least I can deal pretty well with more of that 😄

The Song of the Day is “Threesome” from Melissa Etheridge’s 2007 album “The Awakening”. See a live performance on YouTube.

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