2437 - Viaggi Organizzati

Venice is one of the most popular destinations in Italy, only second to Rome, probably rivaled by Florence and Naples, but visiting Italy and not going to Venice, that’s unthinkable.

Obviously Venice is crammed with organized groups, but that does not hurt at all. Just leave the tourist paths, go a few steps to one of the tiny bridges that are everywhere, and suddenly Venice is silent.

And that’s the best way to enjoy any famous city: Don’t search, let your eyes and feet wander, drift along and beauty will find you.

OK, I’m cheating. I’ve spent quite some time in Venice, I’ve read a lot of books about its history and architecture, I’ve seen the sights, I’ve been to all the famous places, but still, what makes me glad is drifting along 🙂

The Song of the Day is “Viaggi Organizzati” by Lucio Dalla. Hear it on YouTube.