3506 - DOOM?

I’ve never been a big fan of the original DOOM. In 2004 I bought DOOM3, played it for a while, and I still think it had a great mix of at least some story, lots of atmosphere, satisfying speed (I’m talking about the single player campaign) and still quite impressive graphics.

Two weeks ago the new “DOOM” came out. It should have been DOOM4, but was released without a number. Well, if Leica can do it, why not id Software 🙂

I’ve not bought it. I have no system that could adequately run it, but most of all I am not interested. It’s an intense orgy of bloodshed and gore (well, what did you expect, it’s DOOM, you say?), and it progresses on high speed, at least on par with the original from 20 years ago (and that’s bad, you ask?).

Yes, that’s bad 🙂

I’ve seen a few videos (they are aplenty on YouTube) and they looked like a constant stream of mindless jumping and gunning. They didn’t give me the feeling of an interesting or scary exploration, they just looked like maximally stressful work with little variation. Thanks, I already have a job 😄