It’s not really fair, is it? When I started posting images taken with the E-P5, it was already almost replaced with the PEN-F. It’s unfair, because I didn’t write about it while my enthusiasm was still there.
On the other hand, you just got the opposite with my short series about the PEN-F: a lot of posts about a new camera and new experiences, but no pictures to back it up.
Can I do better at the moment? Can I buy new cameras when they are actually new on the market, and can I write about them as soon as I get them?
You know the answer and you know that I can’t. I’ve played the game for some time, I’ve reviewed the D300 when it was very new, I’ve reviewed some lenses when almost nobody else had done it, and those efforts still lead people to my blog.
For me it’s not about hits any more though. In two weeks this blog will have its ten year anniversary, and I can only sustain my efforts when it continues to be fun. The way I do it now, it is. In the long run I keep losing readers, regretfully yes, but in the log run we’re all dead anyway 🙂