3672 - Don't Do Anything Here!

In earlier times I wouldn’t have posted these images. I would have selected just one Image of that Day and probably added a few others, and if I think of it, all the images would almost certainly have been of the Abbey of Silvacane.

In fact until a few days ago, I didn’t even bother to process these images. And then, when I pondered about what to write in the next posts, I realized that the story of that day is incomplete without them. Therefore: here they are.

This is kind of a storage lake near the Abbey of Silvacane. We took a different road on the way back to Aix-en-Provence, and while we had only had a glimpse of the “lake” on our way out, we saw it fully now. It looked … strange. There was kind of a big swimming lane on the side. I had no idea what it was until I saw the sign: The Canal de Marseille, formerly the only water supply of that big city, today still a major source of water. We have something like that in Vienna, leading down from the Alps, but I didn’t expect it here.

Anyway. It’s beautiful, but whatever you want to do there, it’s forbidden 🙂