6379 - Prater I

Prater is a forest in Vienna, that originated as hunting ground for Vienna’s nobility. It’s the long tail of Vienna’s second district, and it fills the south-eastern half of the island between river Danube and Donaukanal. The latter, translating to “Danube Channel”, is a historic branch of river Danube, touching Vienna’s historic center, and joining the main river 17.3 kilometers downstream. This makes for a pretty big island.

The western part is the completely and densely populated 20th district. The second district, Leopoldstadt, traditionally, though not by choice, was the Jewish Quarter. It still is. It is also fairground and amusement park. That’s also where you find Riesenrad, the ferris wheel famous from The Third Man’s “ant dialoge”, a scene heavily influenced by Orson Welles and with Graham Greene’s blessing.

East of the amusement park the forest begins, and that’s where we are.