555 - Every Dog Has Its Day

It’s almost a rule: I don’t make good images when I am on a trip. I always feel the urge to document the places where I’ve been, and that’s for a reason: of many past trips years ago I can only remember the places where I’ve taken pictures. Today we were in Friuli, Italy’s north-east province. It’s just a little more than an hour by car from home to Udine, Friuli’s capital.

This particular image, the reflection of clouds in the water of a storage lake, was taken while still at home, and from there it only went down. It was a nice trip, but photographically I was completely uninspired. The dog barked at me when, in order to take a photo, I parked the car a meter from its fence. I kinda liked the tiny guy with the big ears. Of course the 20/1.8 was the wrong lens, because he wouldn’t let me get as near as I wanted, but then again, the wide angle emphasizes its size and that’s OK.

The image is further a good example of what you can do to the images from a modern DSLR. This was harsh light, I didn’t use a flash (the tiny guy was frightened anyway), and the dog was mostly in deep shadow. After heavy Photoshop treatment the image is still good enough for a print.

The Song of the Day is “Every Dog Has Its Day” from Willy DeVille’s 1990 album “Victory Mixture”. Tell me you American guys: what’s wrong with Willy DeVille? You get all his records here in Europe, but in the US you have to import him?? Sorry, no sound sample, no lyrics.

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