2195 - Wildwood

Well, actually not. This is a forest on a hill overlooking Faaker See, one of Carinthia’s smaller but nevertheless beautiful lakes.

The forest is everything but wild, there is a pub on top along with an adventure park, but there are also lots of quiet, beautiful places as well as a breathtaking view over the lake.

Here I’ve concentrated on the quiet side of the forest.

Turns out it’s pretty hard to adequately show how a sunlit autumn forest looks like. I think the image of the Day is more or less OK (but was by far the easiest), the other two are tonally where they should be, but they don’t glow enough by far.

There are many reasons for that, but it mostly boils down to the fact that the contrast range in a sunlit forest is extreme, and even if we were able to pack it all into a JPEG, there would be no monitor to show it. The normal way out is to replace contrast with saturation, but that brings another danger with it, the danger to produce unrealistically gaudy images.

And of course it does not help in the least that our eyes adapt to saturation. The longer you look at an over-saturated image, the less saturated it seems. There is no easy solution to the problem and today I had a hard time. It shows 🙂

The Song of the Day is “Wildwood” by Stan Getz. Hear it on YouTube.